Book Study Instructions

We are currently reading "From Reading to Math" by Maggie Siena.

Please answer the questions below for each chapter by adding a comment. Contribute to the discussion by replying to at least 2 other comments. Please don't forget to reference page and paragraph numbers so we can all follow along!

Schedule for posting:
February: Read and discuss chapters three and four.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chapter 4, Question 3

What are some other ways that you can integrate math learning into the rest of your day?


  1. Math learning in my room comes all during the day because we play the Stock market Game. High levels of math are necessary for the students to be able to make calculations and predictions. The reading of graphs is essential and they have learned a lot more than fifth grade math while doing this program.

    1. I think this is such a great example of the real life math that gets children excited. Except for the Mathletes amoung us, math is a means to an end. It is wonderful you are showing your students a real use for math.

  2. I try to look for the math in all subjects. With science it is easy. Even social studies right now with our study of economics is easy. Language arts can be more difficult. But if you highlight the problem solving, especially anything multi-step, it relates to what we are working on in math- thinking thru problems.

  3. Scheduling and Pacing the lesson has great suggestions for this.(Pages 61-63)The final bullet on page 62 is great for our relevance push. Math is everywhere in our daily lives. Make the "real life" math a daily part of your classroom.

    1. Perhaps they can balance my checkbook-even analyze where all my money goes!

  4. I try and teach math across the curriculum in many of my subjects. In social studies we use timelines and find differences on different dates that subjects occur. Other subjects math does come into play. Math is everywhere and I hope that students can transfer it to their real life events.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. By clarifying the confusing vocabulary-attributes/characteristics, many more (more than many=a lot not take away), problem-solving/ analyzing, proof/evidence-- it would help them to see they do math regularly.

  7. I use math with my groups throughout. We count how many more pages we have to read or haw many more minutes we have until our group is over. Without them realizing they do it as well. When they compare their scores from a game they played or how much money they have.
