Book Study Instructions

We are currently reading "From Reading to Math" by Maggie Siena.

Please answer the questions below for each chapter by adding a comment. Contribute to the discussion by replying to at least 2 other comments. Please don't forget to reference page and paragraph numbers so we can all follow along!

Schedule for posting:
February: Read and discuss chapters three and four.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chapter 4, Question 1

What do you think are the essential elements of a successful reading classroom? Are they essential in the math classroom as well? If so, how can you make sure they are present?


  1. I think the most important thing I can teach a child is to love reading. It I can hook them on a book and get them to want to read my job is a dream. I think the same is true with math. If they can find the fun and challenge in the math it makes them want to find the answer. I also have to make sure my attitude about math(which isn't my favorite) is as good as my attitude about reading (which is a passion.)

  2. Did anyone else feel uncomfortable when reading Chapter 4? I just never really compared how I approached literacy instruction with how I approached math instruction. (Pages 53-55)
    But to answer your question...1. The elements I consider most essential are great stories and articles for many interest (self selection allowed!)and the time to explore them. 2. Yes, they probably are. The mathematical equivalent to these elements would be gorgeous, high interest math stations with time to explore and freedon to choose. 3. Well...I could count the ipads, but they don't really translate to what I think Siena is talking about. Real manipulatives that you spend time with and a great book.

    1. I don't think gorgeous math stations are necessary as much as a really good question on a bulletin board for them to think, solve, write and post. Like an author's chair only for math.

  3. The essential of success in a reading classroom is the love to read and a print rich environment. Math it seems harder to create that love as it is not text rich. It is easy to pick up a book and read for meaning but math is a little different. You have to seek out math questions/problems and it is not as relaxing. If math is presented as a puzzle and you have to find the missing piece then maybe the love/challenge would continue.

  4. Reading and writing with no reason other than to accomplish the task is pointless. It is the rich conversation--in discussing your thinking,analyzing other's ideas, debating over purpose, etc that makes it exciting.
    Since kids often love to discuss-no written evidence of error-math should include more. The challenge is in feeling competent to evaluate and judge the thinking monitor and adjust the teaching.
    Time seems critical-but not time with them but for me to reflect and adjust the plans if need be.

  5. To have a successful reading class you need to have a room full of text. Everything from a wordwall to book and magazines. They need to be at all reading levels and cover many different topics and genres. As far as for math, I feel by having a tactile rich room they can see how math works. They can manipulate cubes to see how the groups are groing or decreasing in size or hold 3-d shapes to count all the attributes.
