Book Study Instructions

We are currently reading "From Reading to Math" by Maggie Siena.

Please answer the questions below for each chapter by adding a comment. Contribute to the discussion by replying to at least 2 other comments. Please don't forget to reference page and paragraph numbers so we can all follow along!

Schedule for posting:
February: Read and discuss chapters three and four.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chapter 4, Question 2

What might you do to increase your knowledge of the math you teach, the curriculum you use, and your students?


  1. I addition to the core curriculum, I explore websites that are sent to me. Sometimes I will google a math concept/question and find other ways to explain a problem. (64-65)It is important to know the students individually and design curriculum to fit all their needs. Also the way the desks are grouped in tables so the students can work together help, however my room is not large enough fo

  2. In addition to teaching the core curriculum, it is a good idea to explore websites that our tech person, and others send to us. Google often gives great websites when you type in a specific problem. the way the classroom is set up also aids in doing group work and the students can have discussions. (64-65

  3. I like to look thru the flipcharts that are available on promethean planet. They are full of things that other people have tried. Most of these also contains notes from the author explaining how to use the flip chart.

    1. Thanks for the tip Julie- I will have to look in Promethean planet for some charts.

    2. I use promethean planet too! It's a good resource for so many lessons...and they're already done for you. You can just modify it for your groups.

  4. Siena places "know the math you teach" as the number 1 of 3 knows. (Page 65)
    I have used, and oddly enjoyed, Khan Academy as a way to understand more deeply the math I teach. His first section "Arithmatic", takes you through all the concepts we teach.
    I believe it also delays the onset of Alzheimer's.

  5. I only answered number 1 in the first post.
    2. Siena's 2nd "know"; your mandated curriculum. Do we have one? I'm hoping someone will read this and say, "Susan, of course we do, here it is, SBISD's core math curriculum. To quote Siena, "It is difficult to supplement, complement, or otherwise change curriculum until you are clear on just how it works." (page 65)
    3. Students are easier for me: Watch and listen.

    1. Yes Susan their is a curriculum. My understand is it is on the dashboard and then rewritten on a roadmap. But I am unsure.

  6. In addition to core curriculum I like to use brain pop and khan academy. These are good resources that students can relate to and it usually explains the concept in a different format. The "three knows" listed on page 64-65 are the basics for using curriculum in an effective way.

  7. For me the greatest understand will come from when I write my own plans. Since I currently listen and then paste, I am without the essential 'know thy student' step. I am always playing catch up. I know my curriculum and my students but sometimes it is not enough.

  8. I try to communicate with the teachers as much as possible about the curriculum. The best way for me to learn and understand is to execute. A lot of times I just get the assignment to help my students with, but I have a much greater understanding for myself and my students when I have to reteach the lesson. It really helps me see where we are and where we need to be. I wish I had m ore time to go to inclusion. There is nothing better than to watch one of your peers teach a lesson. I like to watch brainpop videos and check out promethean planet.
